From my perspective, there are 3 main avenues of life.
The first avenue, the relationship of people to each other, is crucial for building strong communities and fostering a sense of belonging. It involves developing empathy, compassion, and respect for others, as well as cultivating healthy communication and conflict-resolution skills. So, it is always important to remember and intend to remain positive.
The second avenue, the relationship of people to the environment, is equally important for ensuring the sustainability of our planet. It involves taking responsibility for our actions and making conscious choices that minimize our impact on the environment.
The third avenue, reasoning truth, is essential for making informed decisions and navigating the complexities of life. It involves developing critical thinking skills, seeking out reliable sources of information, and being open to new ideas and perspectives.
Overall, I believe that by focusing on these three avenues, we can lead more fulfilling lives and contribute positively to the world around us.
Positive vs Negative
To live in the light, it helps to understand the darkness. That is why reading and understanding about the negative side of psychology is important. If we know what doesn't work well, we can learn to focus on the positive and what does work well. “The contrast between light and dark is what gives life its depth and beauty,” a quote by Daisaku Ikeda. The painting to the right is called "Reflections." It is about reflecting the light of the spirit back to oneself when surrounded by darkness.
Little-known facts that they don’t tell you
We often want to get away from things that bother us with the traditional fight, escape, or freeze response. Procrastination can be a freeze response. But the best method of managing problems is to remain calm and manage them mostly sooner rather than later. The solution means learning to be relaxed and open to positive possibilities. Nearly all our problems, including politics, academia, and the environment, are due to never learning that method of resolving problems. So, what’s the most important thing to teach children? Clearly, most of us have not learned to avoid reacting impulsively. It’s not finding happiness. It’s finding peace.
Reacting impulsively is indeed a common human tendency. When faced with challenges, our fight-or-flight response kicks in, urging us to act quickly. But there’s another path—one that leads to peaceful problem-solving.
Here are some thoughts on how we can cultivate that sense of peace:
Remember, it’s not about avoiding problems but about facing them with a calm mind. As we teach these principles to children, we equip them to navigate life’s complexities with grace and resilience. Remember that there are exceptions. Gandhi taught us that if a problem is particularly difficult, it may be best to put it on the back shelf of the mind till a solution becomes clear. Notice this is not being obsessed. It's giving the mind time to process. While happiness is important, it is not sustainable without inner peace.
1. Reduced Stress and Anxiety:
Cultivating inner peace helps us manage stress and anxiety effectively.
We approach challenging situations with calmness and clarity, reducing triggers from external circumstances.
2. Better Physical Health:
Inner peace and happiness are associated with physical health benefits:
3. Improved Mental and Emotional Health:
Inner peace and happiness positively impact mood and overall well-being.
Symptoms of depression are reduced, leading to better emotional health.
4. Enhanced Relationships:
Approaching relationships from a place of inner peace and happiness improves communication, empathy, and connection with others.
5. Increased Creativity and Productivity:
Inner peace and happiness boost creativity and productivity, contributing to a fulfilling life.
Remember, these benefits intertwine, positively impacting our overall quality of life.
Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on studying the conditions that contribute to the optimal functioning of people, groups, and institutions. It aims to improve the quality of life by studying “positive subjective experience, positive individual traits, and positive institutions.”
Having a positive influence from people around us early in life can have a significant impact on our happiness. According to a study by Harvard Health, having social support from family, friends, and the community can lead to greater happiness, fewer health problems, and longer life.
In addition, good influences can help us become better people and lead to greater happiness. The more good influences we surround ourselves with, the happier we are likely to be .
It’s important to note that happiness is not just about the people around us. It’s also about our own thoughts and actions. Studies have shown that positive thinking can lead to greater happiness4. Exposure to a positive environment can have a significant impact on happiness. According to a study by Meravote, exposure to the natural environment has mental and physical benefits. It improves our mental well-being, reduces stress, and encourages physical activity, which is very beneficial for our health and happiness and thereby longevity . Additionally, living in an attractive, warm, and cozy property can have a positive effect on your happiness . Staying close to nature makes us feel more grateful and appreciative of what it has to offer to us. Seeing the wonders of the world outside automatically fosters within us the urge to protect it. Breathing in nature gives us wholesome sensory awareness
1. psychologytoday.com2. positivepsychology.com3. psychologytoday.com5. psychologytoday.com6. positivepsychology.com7. powerofpositivity.com8. worldhappiness.report9. verywellmind.com10. mhanational.org11. health.harvard.edu12. helpguide.org13. academic.oup.com14. verywellmind.com15. lec.org16. health.harvard.edu17.
There does appear to be a natural maturational development in children of self-awareness. According to Lumen Learning, during the second year of life, children begin to recognize themselves as they gain a sense of the self as an object. The realization that one’s body, mind, and activities are distinct from those of other people is known as self-awareness .
As children grow older, they develop a more realistic sense of self than those in early childhood. They develop an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses
As children grow older, they develop a more realistic sense of self than those in early childhood. They develop an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Self-awareness is a life skill that will help your child learn to understand his feelings and thoughts and optimize his or her potential. Children in middle childhood have a more realistic sense of self than those in early childhood. In conclusion, self-esteem is an essential aspect of a child’s development. It is a fundamental human need that develops over time and is influenced by various factors such as age, environment, and experiences.
Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology that describes five categories of human needs arranged in a hierarchical order, with lower needs needing to be satisfied before higher needs can be addressed. The five categories of needs are: Physiological (food and clothing), Safety (job security), Love and belonging needs (friendship). Esteem. Self-actualization.
A study conducted by Robert J. Taormina and Jennifer H. Gao found that the satisfaction of each higher-level need in Maslow’s hierarchy was statistically predicted by the satisfaction of the need immediately below it in the hierarchy, as expected from Maslow’s theory. According to one source, higher consciousness is a state of elevated awareness and perception that allows individuals to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of reality. There appears to be a hierarchy of human psychology "where growth needs do not stem from a lack of something but rather from a desire to grow as a person." So that the ability to grow and learn in a positive, appropriate, and healthy direction requires the intention to positively grow in a healthy manner.
Harvard University Center on the Developing Child suggests that emotional development begins early in life and that it is a critical aspect of the development of overall brain architecture. The paper also suggests that emotional development has enormous consequences over the course of a lifetime 1.
I believe that it is possible that mindfulness may be a level above self-actualization, as Maslow's definition refers to self-fulfillment. Mindfulness is an all-inclusive term that in my opinion, includes a keen sense of awareness of high regard for others and the earth. It's also important to note that many of the self-help books and programs were designed to help the reader or participant have a better understanding of self which is critical to being able to help others. But mindfulness in my opinion extends to others and the earth. I also believe that the earlier in life we are able to fully comprehend psychology, communication, and mindfulness, the more likely we will all have an opportunity to progress as healthy, positive individuals, and the more likely the world will benefit from mindful reasoning, compassion, thoughtfulness of others, and communication.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Wikipedia
1. effectiviology.com2. helpfulprofessor.com3. socialsci.libretexts.org4. ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu5.
Spirituality is a belief in something beyond the self, aiming to answer questions about life's meaning, human connection, and the universe's truths. It can involve religious traditions or a holistic belief in an individual connection to others and the world. Spirituality has been a source of comfort and relief for many people, and those who are more religious or spiritual and use their spirituality to cope with challenges experience many benefits to their health and well-being. Signs of spirituality can include deep questions about suffering, deep connections with others, compassion, empathy, interconnectedness, awe, wonder, happiness, meaning, purpose, and wanting to make the world a better place. Different types of spirituality include breathwork, meditation, new age spirituality, prayer, service to the community, spending time in nature, spiritual retreats, and yoga. Spirituality can be practiced individually, does not have specific rules, and often focuses on a personal journey of discovering what is meaningful in life.
On the other hand, Eastern religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Sikhism, and Jainism, use a different approach, aiming to reduce people’s self-preoccupation rather than directly changing beliefs and behaviors. This approach aims to promote a less egoic world and reduce the negative effects of excessive self-centeredness on individuals.
People are not free in any country if they do not have a voice in their country; if every vote is not counted; if representation is not representing people; if leaders are corrupt; if people don’t care about each other and believe in equality; and if people do not care about preserving a healthy environment for everyone today and in the future.
It’s important to note that voting is a fundamental right in a democracy. It allows citizens to have a say in how their country is governed and ensures that their voices are heard. According to the National Geographic Society, voting is a civic duty that helps citizens communicate their desires and preferences to their government1.
Corruption in leadership can have devastating effects on society. It can lead to a lack of trust in government, economic instability, and social unrest. Forbes reports that globally more than $1 trillion is handed over annually to corrupt government officials2.
Equality is also an important aspect of society. It ensures that everyone has equal opportunities to survive and thrive. Inequalities can lead to poverty, reduced quality of health, and lower life expectancy34.
Preserving a healthy environment is also crucial for our well-being. The World Economic Forum reports that having a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment is a human right5. Exposure to nature has mental and physical benefits, such as improving our mental well-being, reducing stress, and encouraging physical activity6. Additionally, living in an attractive, warm, and cozy property can have a positive effect on your happiness7.
By working together to ensure that every vote counts, leaders are held accountable for their actions, equality is promoted, and the environment is preserved, we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations.
1. nationalgeographic.org2. enlightio.com3. opinionfront.com4. humanrightscareers.com5. weforum.org6. unep.org7. bonandberg.com8. thefreemanonline.org9. ohchr.org10. forbes.com11. psychologytoday.com12.
I hope you find these resources helpful!
Learn more:
1. en.wikipedia.org2. whitehouse.gov3. usa.gov4. nationalgeographic.org5.
According to Wikipedia, respect is a positive feeling or differential action shown towards someone or something considered important or held in high regard. In my opinion, that needs to include wildlife and the earth. My view of respect:
1. Right to Speech
a. The right to be heard from beginning to end without interruption with consideration for time, speaking succinctly while remaining close to the point with little elaboration, filibustering, or unnecessary rambling on.
b. With full attention and willingness to listen empathetically as if perceiving in oneself a sense of what the other is experiencing.
2. Right to Exist
a. The right to live and enjoy life (pursuit of happiness).
b. Free from, if possible, tyranny, coercion, manipulation, dominance, or control.
3. Right to Health
a. The right to live in a healthy, enriched environment, free as much as possible from disease, contamination, pollutants, especially pollution of air, water, food, and noise (visual, auditory, tactile).
4. Right to Peaceful Coexistence
a. A system of justice that seeks to adjudicate disrespect in the most positive and least punitive manner with an emphasis on learning and resolution.
b. Resolution of problems involves considering all positive possibilities, all positive decisions, and actions that are to the greatest benefit of all (one for all and all for one, NOT every man for him/herself or to the exclusion of one or some).
5. Right to Spirituality
Spiritual thought and practice in a respectful manner.
6. Right to mindful consideration and equality.
Giving thought to... Conscious of... mindful of... consideration, accepting of differences.
Positive unconditional regard toward everything in existence.
7. Everyone deserves an opportunity to live and die with dignity.
Doctrine updated from Jeff Griffin 10/6/2023 this website.
In my opinion, mindfulness may well be above respect and politness.,
Positive psychology, openness to truth, and willingness to be wrong or mistaken is needed to be open to positive reasoning. Breaking the circularity of faulty reasoning requires being open to the faulty systemic beliefs, emotional reasoning, and negative problems of our ancestors and our own past history while recognizing those problem patterns, behaviors, reasoning, and actions that didn't work. Then to be open to the positive possibilities and positive reasoning, positive problem-solving today.
1. Being open to alternative viewpoints and perspectives, even if they contradict one’s own beliefs
3. One must be open to the thought of being wrong.
4. It’s also important to be open to new information and to critically evaluate the
evidence for and against one’s beliefs.
5. Openness to new ideas and possibilities is needed for positive reasoning.
Knowing what is positive helps to know what doesn't work.
To know what works for reasoning, it helps to know what doesn't work.
There are many interpretations of mindfulness. The dictionary mostly refers to an awareness and a focus of consciousness. Other interpretations are therapeutic techniques such as remaining in the moment, meditation, or remaining calm and accepting of…, as well as metacognition or meta-awareness. Historically, mindfulness was primarily a Hindu and Buddhist tradition derived from sati, which is retention and memory, literally translated as awareness of “things in relation to things.”
From my perspective, I would agree that mindfulness is Sati which also means a form of meditation that brings into oneself a full appreciation and awareness that could easily be translated as things in relation to things or an American translation, “respect for all things.” This is not a hard and fast rule to the extreme as in don’t touch or move, but more on the order of Franklin D Roosevelt’s statement of the Grand Canyon: “Leave it as it is.” Why? Out of respect and appreciation for the grandeur of nature.Sati which also means a form of meditation that brings into oneself a full appreciation and awareness that could easily be translated as things in relation to things or an American translation, “respect for all things.” This is not a hard and fast rule to the extreme as in don’t touch or move, but more on the order of Franklin D Roosevelt’s statement of the Grand Canyon: “Leave it as it is.” Why? Out of respect and appreciation for the grandeur of nature.Sati which also means a form of meditation that brings into oneself a full appreciation and awareness that could easily be translated as things in relation to things or an American translation, “ respect for all things.” This is not a hard and fast rule to the extreme as in don’t touch or move, but more on the order of Franklin D Roosevelt’s statement of the Grand Canyon: “Leave it as it is.” Why? Out of respect and appreciation for the grandeur of nature.
If one develops a full appreciation for the grandeur of life, recognizing that one person's odds of receiving life is 1 in 4 trillion. Then recognize that the earth had been transformed 4.5 billion years prior to the first human (homo sapiens) and that human activity changing all of that has only been mostly in the last 250 years, suggesting that homeostasis would be consistent with mindfulness toward natural ecosystems that is living consciously within the natural boundaries of nature. So, mindfulness, to me is having as little impact on nature as other life forms would in a natural manner. I work at having less impact on the environment and I invite others to join me in this endeavor.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a document that was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. It sets out the fundamental human rights to be universally protected. The UDHR consists of 30 articles that cover a wide range of human rights, including civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights 1. Here are the 30 basic human rights according to the UDHR:
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of all human rights but rather a summary of the most
1. opseu.org2. equalityhumanrights.com3. bing.com4. hrbaportal.org5. un.org6. en.wikipedia.org7. en.wikipedia.org8.