In relationships, emotional reactions are normal and expected. However, problems arise when the immediacy of a reaction causes interpersonal difficulties for the reacting individual. That is why it is paramount to have a full understanding of one's emotions and emotional reactions. Reactions can be emotionally charged and tend to be problematic, especially when they may be associated with anger. Actions that are not actually threatening can set off our fight, flight, or freeze impulses, leading us to overreact. It is important for every individual to have a better sense and understanding of their own emotions. Reacting escalates a situation, whether that’s our desired intention or not 1.
There are many other factors that can affect relationships such as communication issues, trust issues, conflicts, anxiety, and rejection sensitivity 2345.
Learn more:
1. psychologytoday.com2. bing.com3. verywellmind.com4. cnn.com5. verywellmind.com6. bustle.com7. washingtonpost.com8.—
Under Negative Psychology, the process of deindividuation is discussed from a personal perspective of how one may lose, ignore, or excuse individual responsibility to group negative behavior or mob mentality. However, it is important for people to understand that collective reaction is an outgroup behavior that we must recognize from the reasoning perspective of our participation in negative outgroup behavior, personal individual behavior or deindividuation that can collectively lead to such things as cults, gangs, political adversity, or wars between countries. All of this requires critical reasoning or critical thinking skills. The response or actions of a person and personal responsibility must consider if it is possible to solve concerns using positive, healthy, and appropriate behavior while using a positive problem-solving model prior to any response, communication, or action that may result in negative consequences.
Critical thinking skills are essential in recognizing and addressing potential negative outgroup behavior. And a person must be open to a universe of potential positive possibilities. One of the major problems is that millions of people often do not consider if a positive option is available because we are genetically predisposed to
systemic negative bias. So, it is important to recognize that we have our own reactive emotional history that we learned from everyone else around us which also included those early coping survival defense mechanisms.
tco.comsimplypsychology.or thecontentauthority.com1.
Blame when it is not truthful with evidence is mostly a way of directing attention elsewhere. In that sense, it is a distraction or red herring fallacy behavior. In the process of blame, the listener is forced to rethink the cause of a problem which superimposes a delay in the process of understanding problems besides encouraging cognitive bias. The end result is that solutions become more complex with blame, more difficult to solve, and more difficult to pin down to cause-and-effect solutions.
Blame in relationships is a complex issue that can have negative consequences. Blaming someone for something they did not do can be emotionally abusive and lead to feelings of guilt and low self-esteem. This is important to recognize when managing a child's behavior and when modeling appropriate behavior. Blaming can also create a cycle of conflict and unease, making it difficult to resolve issues in a relationship 2. In addition, blaming can lead to cognitive biases and make it harder to understand the root cause of a problem 2. It’s important to remember that relationships are complex and multifaceted, and there are many factors that can affect them. If you’re experiencing problems in your relationship, it may be helpful to seek the advice of a professional therapist or counselor.
1. psychologytoday.com2. verywellmind.com3. mentalhelp.net4. hackspirit.com5. hernorm.com6. marriage.com7. psychologytoday.com8. abuseandrelationships.org10.
Discrimination is the act of treating someone unfairly or differently based on their membership in a particular group. This can include discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, and other factors 1. Discrimination can take many forms, from intentional discrimination such as segregated housing or unequal access to education, to more subtle forms of discrimination such as disparities in hiring or lending practices 2. Discrimination can have a profound impact on people’s lives, limiting their opportunities and negatively affecting their mental and physical health 3. It is important to note that there are many types of discrimination and that it can manifest itself in various ways. Some examples of discrimination include age discrimination, gender discrimination, racial discrimination, religious discrimination, and sexual orientation discrimination 456. If you feel that you have been discriminated against, it may be helpful to seek the advice of a professional therapist or counselor.
Learn more:
1. bing.com2. apa.org3. en.wikipedia.org4. dictionary.com5. dictionary.cambridge.org6. lifepersona.com7. hrsolutions-uk.com8. eschooltoday.com9. gov.uk10. verywellmind.com11. helpfulprofessor.com12.
When considering Negative Bias and outgroup behavior, herd mentality or mob behavior, one must recognize genetic neuro components and systemic factors of negative bias so that we understand that there is a natural freeze, flight, or flight emotionally reactive response built into our neurological systems. Then on top of that, our collective societal behaviors are prone to emotional reactiveness that can lead to war. For this reason, I believe that we have repeated the same cultural and environmental mistakes of the past that in my mind is the reason for barbaric war mentality (same as mob behavior) and societal collapse, both the product of our lack of understanding of our own emotional behavior, cognitive biases, and collective societal negative bias.
Societal collapse can be triggered by various factors such as natural catastrophes, war, pestilence, famine, economic collapse, population decline or overshoot, mass migration, and sabotage by rival civilizations 1. A collapsed society may revert to a more primitive state, be absorbed into a stronger society, or completely disappear 1.
The study of societal collapse is a topic for specialists of history, anthropology, sociology, and political science. More recently, they are joined by experts in cliodynamics and study of complex systems 1. Joseph Tainter frames societal collapse in The Collapse of Complex Societies (1988), a seminal and founding work of the academic discipline on societal collapse. He elaborates that ‘collapse’ is a “broad term,” but in the sense of societal collapse, he views it as “a political process” 12.
Artificial intelligence stated, One for repeating war is by reason of our policymakers who may believe that the use of military force is necessary to achieve their objectives, even if they have failed in the past 1. Another reason is that wars can be profitable for some individuals and groups, such as arms manufacturers and contractors, and they may lobby for continued military intervention 1. Additionally, wars can be used as a tool to gain political power or to distract from domestic issues 1. If we are referring to policy makers than we are talking about a collective cognitive bias.
1. en.wikipedia.org2. resilience.org3. thehill.com5.—
1. U.S. Declined from rank #15 to 23, mostly due to youth mental health
2. Top-ranked countries mostly use successful socialist policies.
3. The number one factor for happiness is GDP per capita.
4. The primary reason for U.S. decline is youth mental health (anxiety and
5. 70% under 18 likely believe climate change is a global emergency.
The relationship between a country’s population and its happiness ranking is an interesting aspect to consider. While it’s not the sole determinant, there are several reasons why population size might influence happiness rankings:
1. Social Cohesion: Smaller countries often have more tightly knit communities, which can foster social connections, trust, and a sense of belonging. These factors contribute to overall well-being.
2. Quality of Life: In smaller populations, governments may be better equipped to provide essential services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Citizens in such countries may experience a higher quality of life.
3. Urbanization: Larger populations tend to have more urban centers, which can lead to issues like congestion, pollution, and social disparities. Smaller countries may have a more balanced distribution of resources.
4. Cultural Factors: Cultural norms and values play a role in happiness. Smaller populations may have shared cultural practices that promote well-being.
5. Economic Disparities: In larger countries, income inequality can be pronounced. Smaller nations may have more equitable wealth distribution.
6. Natural Beauty: Smaller countries often boast scenic landscapes and natural beauty, which positively impact residents’ happiness.
Decline in the U.S. happiness ranking can be attributed to several factors, particularly affecting the younger population:1. Youth Mental Health: Young people in America face mental health challenges, including depression and anxiety. Factors such as academic pressure, social media use, and societal expectations contribute to this decline in well-being1.2. Loneliness Epidemic: The rise of social media has paradoxically led to increased feelings of loneliness and disconnection among young Americans. Despite being more connected virtually, many struggle with genuine social interactions1.3. Political Division: The polarization in American society, especially between left and right, has created a sense of division and discontent. Political tensions impact overall happiness and well-being1.4. Rising Inequality: Economic disparities and income inequality exacerbate feelings of dissatisfaction. The widening gap between different socioeconomic groups affects overall happiness1.5. Alternative Rankings by Age: The World Happiness Report introduced alternative rankings based on age ranges. In the under-30 category, the U.S. dropped significantly, highlighting the specific challenges faced by young Americans1
World Happiness Report 2024 | The World Happiness Report