It is always important to communicate in a manner that is mindful of each other. I often think of communicating in a manner that is positive, healthy, appropriate, and respectful. That also requires having an understanding of what doesn't work and why it is important to familiarize oneself with the negative factors of communication. So, choosing words carefully and putting words into language is important to positive communication. The "presence of positive, enhancing, and facilitative speaking and gestures is what distinguishes positive communication. To communicate compassionately, it is recommended to express appreciation, speak warmly, speak slowly, speak briefly, and listen deeply. From the very beginning of communication, there must be attention and the intention to speak in a manner that can be heard and understood while listening in a manner to hear, receive, and understand the full intended message.
It is important to recognize when listening and speaking to others to engage in the process mindfully, listening with full attention and intention to receive a meaningful message and the feelings or nonverbal communication of the person speaking while speaking with the use of the most appropriate words, verbal, and nonverbal language succinctly that can be easily and accurately understood using language and mindful thought of another. If the participants in communication are able to speak and listen mindfully without distraction or emotional reactivity, there should not be any problem with talking about religion, sex, and politics. It's crucial to avoid letting anything else draw your attention away from the subject. The simple truth is that most of us do not listen and speak mindfully. Some considerations include whether we are speaking with the intention to convey a meaningful message or for some other purpose of control, fun, play, or simply to be understood. Is the listener wanting control, impatient, or not fully attending or fully comprehending?
To achieve mindful communication, one must have a comprehensive understanding of all the factors that can affect human communication. This knowledge enables one to be aware of the potential pitfalls of communication and to intentionally communicate mindfully. However, even with full awareness and understanding, one’s own limitations can hinder effective communication. Therefore, awareness, compassion, and understanding are essential for mindful communication, which is possible but not without limitations that we all possess.
Focus intenion, and processing: 1. betterhelp.com2. en.wikipedia.org3. sciencedaily.com4.
1. verywellmind.com2. mindowl.org3. psychologytoday.com4. mindful.org5.