Premise # 1 There is a boat =True
Premise # 2 Sunrise =True
Premise # 3 Boat rests in the water =True
Premise # 4 Beautiful colorful =True
Conclusion: A beautiful picture of a boat resting in the water at sunrise is True
Mindfulness: practices can help reduce pain, addiction, fatigue, stress, anxiety, and depression while improving physical health. A summary of 400 studies identified mindfulness as an effective mental health practice for improving physical and psychological well-being in almost everyone. Mindfulness practices also aided in emotional regulation while Neuroimaging studies indicated that mindfulness training changes the brain regions that are activated and deactivated in response to emotional stimuli.
Initially the practice of meditation aimed at achieving a state of heightened awareness and presence.
In Buddhism, the concept of “sati,” which translates to mindfulness, is considered the first step toward enlightenment. This practice involves maintaining attention and awareness in the present moment. Similarly, in Hinduism, mindfulness is integrated into various meditation practices aimed at self-realization and spiritual growth.
There is cause and effect (A causes B or A becomes B) so that reason explains how or why A becomes B. For example, If I threw a ball and it dropped to the earth, reason would explain my motivation for throwing the ball, and gravity is why and how the ball dropped to the earth. For the purpose of this website, we can state that democracy is for the people so that positive reasoning is in the best interest of people where citizens have a share of power in decision-making, (one person, one vote). Considering that if human life matters, then positive reasoning that is for the benefit of people should include the earth, wildlife, and its people because the people are dependent on a healthy earth. We will call that, a geocracy that emphasizes stewardship of our planet, which involves making choices that align with the well-being of wildlife, biodiversity, and the earth or positive outcomes for people, wildlife, and the earth. To fully understand positive reasoning requires acknowledging the negative aspects of reasoning. Negative reasoning complements positive reasoning by highlighting contrasts. It is helpful to understand the negative or negative emotions (negative reasoning) to appreciate the positive. Many non-natural problems are traced back to relationships. A causing B often hinges on their dynamic relationship to each other, whether it’s human interactions (misunderstandings, conflicts, etc.) or environmental impact (pollution, resource depletion, etc). Relationships matter. To fully appreciate positive experiences, we must recognize the contrast with negatives. Reading about negative reasoning helps us grasp those differences.
To move forward in a positive direction (positive path or journey), it is important to have that positive intention with a better understanding of what not to do that's covered under Negative reasoning. Positive reasoning must start out with an awareness that there can be problems in our relationships caused by;
Positive reasoning begins with
The Role of Relationships:
That path and journey, in my opinion, leads to greater awareness and success toward achieving mindfulness. Mindfulness can be self-actualization or possibly a level above self-actualization. A key component of reasoning is seeking truth while seeking truth is remaining as close to the facts as possible and staying informed by valid reliable sources.
1. Reasoning Reason was never political until it became useful as propaganda.
2. Environmental issues were not a problem until we ignored our relationship to the environment (pollution, destruction of forests, oceans, and biodiversity, population impact, depleting resources, etc)
3. Education, voting, communication, and democracy were not problems until we leaned toward bending or distorting the truth with propaganda to manipulate the outcome.
4. Inequality was not a problem until the differences we observed turned into negative emotions.
5. Reasoning cannot be emotionally motivated or biased toward politics or religion to avoid excluding or discriminating against others who are not in your ingroup or indoctrinated with your way of thinking. and to avoid negative bias.
Why Positive?
Maslow's Hierarchy
According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, human needs can be classified into five categories: physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. The satisfaction of each higher-level need in Maslow’s hierarchy was statistically predicted by the satisfaction of the need immediately below it in the hierarchy, as expected from Maslow’s theory A study conducted by Robert J. Taormina and Jennifer H. Gao found that the satisfaction of each higher-level need in Maslow’s hierarchy was statistically predicted by the satisfaction of the need immediately below it in the hierarchy, as expected from Maslow’s theory. According to one source, higher consciousness is a state of elevated awareness and perception that allows individuals to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of reality. However, the concept of higher consciousness is not well-defined and has been interpreted in various ways by different people. Some people believe that higher consciousness is a spiritual or mystical experience, while others view it as a state of mind that can be achieved through meditation or other practices. One of the key components of Maslow's theory is when we are in survival mode—and struggling to meet our basic needs, it becomes challenging to focus on higher-level consciousness because our primary motivation is to address these Deficiency Needs (D-Needs) (e.g., hunger, safety concerns). Consciousness takes a back seat. Growth Needs (B-Needs): Arise from the desire for personal growth. Once deficiency needs are met, we can pursue growth needs more effectively. Self-actualized individuals prioritize growth and potential over mere survival.
The Challenge
Teamwork has always been an advantage that we learned in school, coupled with a positive problem-solving approach that helps to solve problems through brainstorming the healthiest and most appropriate solutions that are in the best interest of people, wildlife, and the earth. Teamwork allows for diverse perspectives and skills to come together, leading to more comprehensive and effective solutions by focusing on the best interests of all. The challenge is to overcome negative bias or obstacles of emotional reasoning like political or religious groupthink that may stand in the way of sound unbiased reasoning. It's always best to ask, "What evidence supports this belief, and have I considered alternative perspectives?" Mindful reasoning is an unbiased practice rooted in awareness and truth, free from political or religious affiliations.
The U.N. has summed up perfectly an explanation for sustainable living that states " Three different balls must be kept in the air at once: economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection. If one or two fall to the ground, the act is over. An economy might grow rapidly, for instance – but only for so long if most people remain poor and all the natural resources are used up." The 17 goals established by the U.N. in 2015 to be achieved by 2030 have not been changed and are available at this U.N. website: Sustainable Development Goals with an updated 2024 report: The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2024.
Your brain is wired at birth. Everything we do after that hardwires the human brain to develop habits we carry throughout our lives. Sometimes, what we think with reasoning doesn't agree with the primitive part of our brain that just wants what it wants; that is self-motivated or motivated reasoning. But we can rewire the brain to develop different habits through positive reasoning in recognition and appreciation of others and the earth so that we are motivated in the best interest of humanity and our environment. We can rewire our brains to be happier and at peace.
Intention goes back to 500 BCE Buddhists teachings, 2nd fold of the 8thfold path, a process focused more on forebrain use of value and intelligence rather than habits and fears. The correct intention is understanding and acting in the moment on what matters most to us with an orientation that considers other people and the earth. We have sophisticated cognitive strategies of negative rationalizing and blaming others that can lead us away from the root of our concerns. Living consistently with our intentions is liberating and with fewer uncertainties and regrets. I found that keeping a daily log of my life events while rating 1-10 and writing brief notes that search for the root of happiness and unpleasantness helps me to learn, recall, and adjust myself to follow my life’s positive intentions while remaining balanced with myself, the earth and its people.
Most people react more powerfully toward negative events and less powerfully in the positive direction. This may explain why we have repeatedly resorted to military methods of managing unpleasant human endeavors while ignoring our destructive use of the environment. For example, it’s much easier to sit on the beach with a Mai Tai than it is to take action to improve the world. However, it is far better to develop appropriate, positive, healthy habits to clean up after a disaster.
The following is a list of good leadership qualities ranging from innovation, problem- solving, and a growth mindset to empathy and patience. Here are some of the most important qualities of a good leader:
These are just a few of the many qualities that make a good leader.
Wikipedia: logic is the study of correct reasoning. It includes both formal and informal logic. Formal logic is the science of deductively valid inferences or logical truths. It studies how conclusions follow from premises due to the structure of arguments alone, independent of their topic and content. Informal logic is associated with informal fallacies, critical thinking, and argumentation theory. It examines arguments expressed in natural language, while formal logic uses formal language. When used as a countable noun, the term “logic” refers to a logical formal system that articulates a proof system. Logic is central in many fields, such as philosophy, mathematics, computer science, and linguistics. Logic studies arguments, which consist of a set of premises together with a conclusion.
History of logic and reason
The study of logic and reasoning predates the ancient Greeks. In fact, the early Buddhist texts show that the historical Buddha was familiar with certain rules of reasoning used for debating purposes and made use of these against his opponents. The first Buddhist thinker to discuss logical and epistemic issues systematically was Vasubandhu in his Vāda-vidhi (“A Method for Argumentation”). He was influenced by the Hindu work on reasoning, the Nyāya-sūtra. A mature system of Buddhist logic and epistemology was founded by the Buddhist scholar Dignāga in his magnum opus, the Pramāṇa-samuccaya.
Ancient Buddhists used logic; and it is clear that logic played an important role in Buddhist philosophy. Buddhist logicians were interested in developing a systematic approach to reasoning that could be used to establish the truth of Buddhist teachings and refute opposing views. They developed sophisticated theories of inference, perception, and language that were designed to help practitioners gain insight into the nature of reality.
Ancient Greeks were instrumental in developing the discipline of logic, which was later refined by medieval and modern philosophers . The word “logic” comes from the Greek word “logos,” which means “reason” or “discourse”.
While the study of logic and reasoning predates the ancient Greeks, it is possible that their contributions to the field were more widely known and influential in Western history. Additionally, the influence of Greek philosophy on Western thought has been well-documented, which may have contributed to the prominence of Greek logic in historical accounts .
In summary, while Buddhist logico-epistemology was a sophisticated system of logic and epistemology that predated Greek logic, it was not as widely known or influential in Western history. The influnce of Greek philosophy on Western thought has been well-documented, which may have contributed to the prominence of Greek logic in historical accounts.
Logic gates used in computer science. Here are the symbols:
Religion, Darwinism, and genetics
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution introduced the idea that organisms best adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. This concept, often summarized as “survival of the fittest,” suggested a natural (hierarchical) selection favoring traits that enhance an individual’s chances of survival and reproduction.
The Hindu Caste System
The Hindu caste system is one of the world’s oldest surviving forms of social stratification. It divides Hindus into rigid hierarchical groups based on karma (work) and dharma (duty). This system has persisted for over 3,000 years, despite being outlawed in 1950.
The four main castes are:
Jainism: Non-Violence and Ethical Principles
Jainism, a religion of compassion and non-violence, emphasizes individual ethics and transformation. Key principles include:
Anekantavada (Non-Absolutism): Acknowledging multiple perspectives and avoiding dogmatism.
Aparigraha (Non-Attachment): Detachment from material possessions.
Jainism originated around the 6th century BCE and has ancient roots. Lord Mahavir, the 24th Tirthankara, shaped its religious tenets. Jain practices contribute to positive psychology, well-being, and peace education.
In summary, while Darwin’s concept relates to biological adaptation, the Hindu caste system reflects social hierarchy, and Jainism emphasizes non-violence and ethical living. Each offers unique insights into human existence and behavior.
A good video to watch is "The Great Debators"
Critical thinking Wikipedia: is the ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information in an objective and rational way. Britannica: educational theory, mode of cognition using deliberative reasoning and impartial scrutiny of information to arrive at a possible solution to a problem.
Remember, critical thinking is essential for informed decision-making and understanding complex issues. To think critically, you must be aware of your own biases and assumptions when encountering information, and apply consistent standards when evaluating sources. Jones, Dougherty described critical thinking as "reasoning in an open-ended manner and with an unlimited number of solutions". "excessive conformity can hinder personal growth, critical thinking, and creativity, leading to negative outcomes at both individual and societal levels."
Person responsibility/Blame
A person, confident in their own personal responsibility finds less reason to blame others while intending to seek solutions to improve life for all of the earth's inhabitants.
Dwyer points to 12 critical thinking dispositions of which he reports the most influential are: inquisitiveness, open-mindedness and self-efficacy.
1. Inquisitiveness: Curiosity and a desire to fully understand problems, even when the complete answer isn’t known yet.
2. Open-mindedness: Being flexible in thinking, considering divergent views without bias, and being receptive to feedback.
3. Self-efficacy: Trusting one’s reasoned judgments, being confident, and recognizing the importance of good reasoning.
4. Attentiveness: Focusing, being aware of context, and seeing the bigger picture.
5. Intrinsic goal orientation: Being positive, competitive, and motivated by internal drive rather than external rewards.
6. Perseverance: Resilience in complex tasks, staying motivated, and desiring progress. Gandhi took time to meditate to seek solutions to long-standing problems.
7. Organization: Systematic and diligent focus on tasks, considering the overall situation.
8. Truth-seeking: Desiring knowledge, challenging beliefs, and pursuing truth objectively.
9. Creativity: Visualizing ideas and thinking differently.
10. Skepticism: The inclination to challenge ideas, withhold judgment until sufficient evidence is considered, and view findings from multiple perspectives.
11. Reflection: The tendency to introspect on behavior, attitudes, and opinions. It involves recognizing what is known, distinguishing uncertainty, and making judgments based on analysis, feasibility, and evidence.
12. Resourcefulness: Willingness to use internal and external resources to solve problems, adapt, and improve. It includes seeking new approaches and learning from mistakes.
A 2002 study by Japanese researcher Kazuhiko Sakamoto The study concluded that teaching critical thinking skills can enhance awareness and understanding of gender issues, and foster willingness and ability to take action for gender equality, also that critical thinking skills can be applied to other social issues, such as human rights, environmental protection, and social justice. Critical thinking can help people to question and challenge the norms and assumptions that may limit their potential or harm to others. Critical thinking can also help people to make informed and rational decisions, and to communicate and collaborate effectively with others. Effects of critical thinking instruction on the social attitude of Japanese high school students. When students are asked to perform critical analysis, evaluation, and inference, they may find themselves in situations where they are required to confront the values they were raised with, such as groupism, harmony, avoidance of self-expression, and confrontation. When people attempt to think critically, they employ analytical thinking, assess the issue, make logically justified inferences, and produce well-reasoned solutions. One can't expect to teach critical thinking overnight. "Cognitive biases, such as myside bias, are particularly prominent with intrinsic problems because these problems often concern deeply held beliefs that are central to our identity, such as religious and political beliefs."
Sunstein suggested his research influenced conformity with the enforcement public smoking bans in three California cities. He observed high compliance with such laws, suggesting that the perceived disapproval by the majority was the primary reason for conformity, rather than the fear of legal repercussions in public spaces. Public smoking bans were successful not through enforcement, but because they reflected a shift in societal norms against smoking in public. Another article explains that global impact by human encroachment on the environment has created many problems suggesting that environmental threats come down to "influencing human behaviour through the use of images."
1. Name the problem: (as concisely and simply as possible, consider the root).
2. Write down possibilities: (as many as you can think of related to the problem (think positive). Important: Think is it positive for people? Is it positive for the environment?
3. Makeup if … Then… statements: looking at all the possibilities above (think positive).
4. Select the best potential considerations: in sequential order.
5. Plan actions:
6. Re-evaluate success: and reprocess using the same model if not effective.
If you do not train your brain to use this model consistently on all problems, you may never appreciate its value in solving problems to save money, time, and energy. Learn to ask: Is it positive, appropriate, and healthy for people and the environment?
According to a simulation study published in Nature Communications1, intelligent brains take longer to solve difficult problems because they are more synchronized and wait for more information before making decisions. The study also found that less intelligent brains tend to “jump to conclusions” and make more errors when faced with complex tasks. In summation, quick fast answers are not always the best for complicated and difficult circumstances.
Another positive problem-solving process I found under Problem Solving and Decision Making in Groups. Better yet, read the book: Pursuing Truth: A Guide to Critical Thinking - bookdown
Search for the root
Search for a universe of positive possibilities
If___ then___ is positive possibility
Cgoose the best positive option/s
Plan out steps sequentially.
Evaluate for success.
The diagram to the left shows healthy, positive developmental levels. When a child is born, the focus is entirely on oneself for survival needs. Then, the child begins to become aware of others in the immediate family. As the child grows, he or she acquires friends in the community. Growing still further, there is a family relationship, relationship to friends, community, nation, and earth. Many people never reach a higher level of appreciation for global connections to all other people, wildlife, and earth.
A. People-to-people relationships (National, group, personal)
1. Positive reasoning:
a. Motivation: (Positive, healthy, appropriate) logic
U.N. Human Rights: Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings,
regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other
status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery
and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and
2. Negative reasoning: (War, gangs, personal negative)
a. Motivation: (Emotional Reasoning: blame/fallacy) logic
B. People-to-Environment relationships (National, groups personal)
1. Positive: Reasoning
a. Motivation: (Positive, healthy, appropriate) logic
The U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Nature is a document that
was proposed by the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN) in 2011,
and has been endorsed by over 1,000 organizations and individuals from
around the world. GARN (Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature) Rachel
Carson, "The Silent Spring" WHO. WWF, U.N., NASA
2. Negative: (Population, groups, personal negative)
a. Motivation: See: Emotional Reasoning/Negative bias: blame/fallacy) logic
b. Pollution, biodiversity, deforestation, climate etc.
A. Positive: people to people, people to the environment:
1. Positive reasoning: (U.N, WHO, Amnesty, Human rights, etc.)
B. Negative: reasoning (No listing)
1.. Inefficient use of money
2. inefficient use of time and people (duplication)
III. Multiple Environmental Groups (POSITIVE: PROBLEM-SOLVE)
A. Positive: People to people, people to the environment:
1. Positive reasoning: (WWF, MWA, GTRC. DU, MCAG, NPRC, YF, GYC, SC, etc.)
B. Negative: reasoning (No Listing)
1. Inefficient use of money
2. inefficient use of time and people (duplication)
Iv. mindfulness: (one for all and all for one)
Vote for creative, mindful reasoning leaders to solve problems effectively rather than people who reason from a negative bias base.
Awareness: To identify what needs resolution, we must first recognize our inherent negative biases. This awareness includes understanding the origins of our fear (freeze, flight, or fight) response rooted in both our personal development and the evolution of our societies and nations. These responses are part of our Negative and emotional reasoning. To reason effectively in a positive direction, we must acknowledge the historical influences on our development from those around us. This is the systemic history and influence that shaped us.
Possibilities: To liberate ourselves from our fears and systemic history, we must find a way to release these fears and welcome the positive possibilities the universe offers. This becomes our system of faith. This faith should be grounded in the understanding that change is an inherent part of life. Numerous positive options and solutions exist if we remain open to them. Additionally, recognizing possibilities involves embracing the essence of the serenity prayer: acknowledging what can be changed and what cannot, in accordance with the laws of nature.
Creative, positive problem solving: Once we are free and open to a universe of positive possibilities, we must focus our efforts on addressing problems using the best options that are likely to lead to positive outcomes for people, wildlife, and the Earth.
Reminders: It is helpful and beneficial to surround ourselves with reminders, such as images and visions, that inspire us to stay creative and maintain a positive, healthy path, as well as reward us for our positive accomplishments.
Unlimited: It is crucial to recognize that mindful solutions are not confined to human endeavors, wildlife conservation, economic strategies, corporate interests, propaganda, political issues, or media narratives. These endeavors, dedicated to positive reasoning and mindful solutions, encompass every facet of human existence. This includes our physical and emotional well-being, our reasoning and communication, and their collective impact on our relationships with the Earth and each other. Such holistic approaches need to be fully recognized, understood, and integrated into our daily lives to foster a sustainable and harmonious future
Mindful solutions: It is beneficial for every community to have a place for mindful solutions that are free from negative groupthink, politics, religion, etc., where ideas are free to flow in a positive direction. In most cities and towns, that place already exists. That is the Public Library. In our nation, that is also the Library of Congress, and internationally, the U.N.
The positive side of reasoning
Relying on logic and evidence, rather than hearsay, gossip, propaganda, or unreliable sources, including social media, is a more effective way to seek truth. It’s always a good idea to verify important information with reputable, objective news sources.
To combat groupthink, it is important to encourage diverse opinions and backgrounds within an ingroup. This can help prevent the group from becoming too homogeneous and can lead to more creative and innovative solutions. It is also important to challenge the status quo and avoid quick agreement around status quo solutions with little discussion or deliberation.
To seek truth, it is important to be open-minded and willing to consider different perspectives. It is also important to question assumptions and beliefs, and to seek out information from a variety of sources. Critical thinking and self-reflection can also help in seeking truth.
Staying informed with reliable and objective news sources is a crucial step in ensuring transparency and accountability in government. It is important to seek out news sources that are known for their unbiased reporting and fact-checking.
One way to identify reliable news sources is to consult media bias charts, which rate news sources based on their political leanings and accuracy. For example, the All Sides Media Bias Chart is a comprehensive chart that rates news sources based on their political bias and provides a balanced newsfeed from both liberal and conservative news sources.
Other ways to identify reliable news sources include looking for news outlets that have a reputation for unbiased reporting and fact-checking, such as Reuters. It is also important to seek out news sources that provide multiple perspectives on an issue, rather than just one side of the story.
Mindful politics is supporting everyone's right to vote without exception. Any party suggesting that election security needs to be improved (there was no evidence of fraudulent voting) can do that while making voting easily accessible. If laws and procedures are not making voting readily accessible to all, then the purpose is voter suppression. Therefore, administering elections mindfully means proper security while ensuring easy access to voting for all eligible voters and efficiently and accurately counting all votes. Avoid reinforcing negative bias with information that is not supported by critical thinking and reliable, valid truth. Avoid sources of misinformation that use degrading and derogatory words or expressions toward others. Objective journalism has always been the hallmark of the best news.
The following is a list of good leadership qualities ranging from innovation, problem- solving, and a growth mindset to empathy and patience. Here are some of the most important qualities of a good leader:
1. Accountability: A good leader takes ownership of responsibilities and positive and negative outcomes.
4. Courageinterest of the people in general at all times.
5. Integrity: A good leader should be honest and transparent in their dealings.
7. Respect: A good leader should respect their people and treat them with dignity.
8. Empathy: A good leader should be able to understand and relate to the feelings of people.
9. Humility: A good leader should be humble and willing to admit their mistakes.
10. Vision: A good leader should have a clear vision and be able to communicate it effectively to people.
These are just a few of the many qualities that make a good leader.
Positive reasoning: Maslow's hierarchy
Mindful reasoning:
History of logic: britannica.com8. 1. philosophy.stackexchange.com2. more1. yourdictionary.com2. owl.purdue.edu3. numberdyslexia.com4. en.wikipedia.org5. List of logic symbols - Wikipedia
Critical thinking: 12 Important Dispositions for Critical Thinking Critical Thinking Dispositions
Helping Your Teen Navigate Conformity Pressure | Psychology Today
(PDF) Effectiveness of Critical Thinking Instruction (
Influencing Positive Relationships toward people and earth
Amel et al. 2017; Green et al. 2019 Biodiversity conservation field has moved beyond the biological sciences and has incorporated the social sciences and humanities Bennett et al. 2016; Teel et al. 2018 Bennett et al. 2016; Teel et al. 2018
Take a photo, save a species: the power of wildlife photography ( A scoping review into the impact of animal imagery on pro-environmental outcomes Ambio (
Healthy Logic
1. en.wikipedia.org2. simple.wikipedia.org3.
Critical thinking:
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32(12), 2630-2645 ) Durkin, 2008; Miyanaga, 2012; Okada, 2016 (Carter et al., 2017; Lin et al., 2016). DoJapanesestudentslackcriticalthinkingMisconceptionaddressed.pdf"Educators are often frustrated that student thinking seems shallow. This review should offer insight into why that is. The way the mind works, shallow is what you get first. Deep, critical thinking is hard-won. That means that the designers and administrators must take the long view." Sakamoto, K. (2002)
1📷indeed.com2📷ccl.org3📷snhu.edu4📷hbr.org5📷en.wikipedia.org2of30 1📷allsides.com2📷makeuseof.com3📷makeuseof.com4📷poynter.org5📷en.wikipedia.org3of30 1📷daily.jstor.org2📷hbr.org3📷psychologytoday.com2of30 of critical thinking skills